


Banana can be delicious having it on its own, with groundnut, peanut butter and in smoothies. But have you ever bought so much banana and after having just as much as you can possibly take, you have an excess of some banana fingers? Throwing it away can be the next logical thing to do, most especially when it gets to that over ripe yucky stage.
Some people will say ‘money cannot waste’ and even if you don’t fall under these category of people, trust me, with what you are about to see, you’ll intentionally leave your bananas to get all mushy. Plus, if you are tired of having your regular bread and want to make some change in healthy bread, this is a wonderful recipe.
What you’ll need for one loaf
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
4 ripe-over ripe bananas
1 and half cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat oven at 350ºF.
Beat your egg and set aside. Using a fork, crush your banana. You can leave it in a lumpy consistency, depending on what you like, otherwise crush it till you can hardly see lumps. Cream your butter and sugar. Add your beaten eggs and crushed bananas. Combine all well.
Take your dry ingredients, that is, flour, soda and salt(take note,baking soda not powder). Sift all of them together. Add to the creamed mix. Add your vanilla extract or essence. As an optional additive, if you love nuts or dried fruits in your loaf, you can add a little crushed walnuts or raisins to the mix.
Now grease your pan with butter and sprinkle flour in the greased pan. Pour out any excess flour. This is done so that your loaf does not stick to your pan. Pour your mixture into baking pan and place in you oven. Allow to bake for 60 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean.
If you do not have an oven, you can always use the pot over stove method.
How about giving this a go this weekend? Look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Have a fruitful weekend.

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