Welcome to this beautiful week, I hope your weekend was eventful. It is really nice to share today with you all. It is popularly said that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade; that’s a lot of work, time and some sugar to me. I would rather advocate for making warm lemon water, and having a glass first thing every morning. Isn’t that an awesome way to start this new week? Why mornings,you might ask; drinking lemon water first thing in the morning would help you fully receive all its benefits, which are listed below:
Tip: After having your warm lemon water drink, wait for about 15 to 30 minutes before having breakfast.
Boosts your immune system
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great in combating cold. Ascorbic acid(a form of vitamin C) in lemons has anti-inflammatory properties which is used as a complementary support for respiratory disorders e.g chest infections,asthma, etc. They are also high in potassium, which helps control blood pressure and stimulate brain and nerve functions.
It is a detox
The citric acid in lemons juice stimulates the liver which in turn aids detoxification by flushing out unwanted materials through the increase in the rate of urination in the body.
It is an energy and mood booster
Food is to the body what gas is to a vehicle. Without intending to be too scientific, studies have shown that lemons are one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions and boosts the body’s energy when it enters the digestive track. Also,the smell of lemons have a relaxing effect which is enough to brighten one’s mood. the juice also helps in reducing anxiety, depression and stress.
Freshens breath
It’s as simple as that.Just drinking lemon juice freshens your breath and relieves tooth pain.
It balances pH levels and aids weight loss
Drinking lemon water everyday reduces the body’s overall acidity. Although lemons are on their own acidic, they are alkalized once they are inside our bodies. This makes losing weight much easier due to a balance in body pH, as it has been proven that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.
It aids digestion
The atomic composition of lemon juice is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of the digestive system. Like earlier stated, it stimulates the liver to produce bile which is essential for digestion. Also its digestive qualities help reduce signs of indigestion too.
It clears the skin
Vitamin C component in lemon is essential for fighting free radicals, decreasing wrinkles and blemishes and it is vital for a healthy glowing skin .Its juice can be applied topically on scars or age spots to reduce their appearance because of its bleaching property. Also its detoxifying property as earlier mentioned helps rejuvenate and clear the skin from blemishes from within.
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